Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Are you Motivated?

Motivation!  It’s what we all need to do something right?  It’s what drives us!  It’s the energy we need to make changes and get work done!

Motivation is defined as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving a particular way” OR “the general desire or williness for someone to do something”

I hear people all the time tell me they wish they were as “motivated” as me to make the changes I’ve made.  When I hear that I wonder where their true intentions are because if you truly have the desire to make those changes…by definition you already have motivation.  The willingness is where most people get hung up I think. 

You don’t have to “feel” like you want to do something to do it, and do it well. 

Do you ever really “feel” like cleaning the toilet?  But I bet you still do it, and I bet it’s done well...right?

Whether we know it or not, we all already have the motivation within us to make the changes in our lives we long to make.  Maybe the truly hardest part is that we sometimes have to get uncomfortable to make those changes, and no one wants to be uncomfortable, myself included.  

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” ~James N. Watkins

You see, if you want change in your life, it might hurt.  It might make you uncomfortable.  You might get angry, you might cry, you might get excited…but regardless of how you feel if you are persistent with your actions that lead you towards your goals…you will achieve them.  Period.  And eventually…those changes that were uncomfortable will become normal, and you'll feel comfortable again. 

After that…the question is, “What is your next goal?”

It’s a process.  Up and down, up and down…enjoy the ride!  Hold onto what builds you up, let go of what is tearing you down, and TRUST THE PROCESS!



#motivation #trust #process #girlmom #gemsfromgod #fitness #workout #cleaneating #uncomfortable #goals


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Garbage IN means Garbage OUT

I was reading a devotional the other day that talked about this.  It's a devotional on fear and anxiety and how we can deal with these emotions.  The devo talked about what early computer programmers would have to do to get a computer to output correctly.  They would use punch cards to do this, like this pic right here that I got off Google.    

They would have to make sure they were on the right lines and punching out the correct numbers or else the computer's output of what it received would be wrong.  If that happened the programmers would have to start all over again with a new card.  Can you imagine?!  This is insanity to me.  

Thank goodness our bodies and brains are not so fickle...or are they?  

Think about how you feel when you're eating right and you do a workout, then think about how you feel when you eat foods that are not so good for you or you eat an excess of food and then workout.  I bet there's a big difference.  

What about when you are feeding your brain with motivational books or articles and watching helpful things and you tackle your workout and your work day and your family?  I bet your attitude is a lot different when you're NOT giving yourself those good things to read.  I bet you might be more moody and not as peaceful about what you have to do in a day.  I bet when you DO read and watch good motivational things you feel like you can conquer the world.  

Am I wrong?  

Am I right? 

Do you know what it feels like to feed your body and brain good things?  Maybe not...

I find that I am usually good on one side of that and bad on the other.  My meal plan will be spot on, but my reading and watching will be junk, or I'm reading and watching good things while I'm eating extra crackers or a cookie, LOL!  Can I get a witness?!?!  But when those are in balance...man, the results that I get are amazing!  And I'm not just talking about they way my body looks, but the way I am in general.  My attitude and energy about everything I touch in a day changes.  

I have more patience with my girls and my husband.  I am more diligent at work and at home.  I feel like a totally different person!  It's kinda weird  O.o

So, let me challenge you like I'm challenging myself today.  What are your goals?  Write it/them down...now the next time you eat ask yourself, "Is this going to get me to my goal or is this a set back?"  The next time you start to read or watch something ask yourself, "Is this really giving me the motivation I need to get to my goals or is this mindless and will do nothing for me?"  Those are tough questions to ask yourself...trust me...I know!  I've winced at what I've been spending my time on and what I've been eating lately.  Binge watching Netflix is not going to do ANYTHING for me if I want to organize my house and redecorate.  Eating pizza and Publix sugar cookies is NOT going to help me shake this extra 10 or so pounds I've got on me.  

What ever goes in will eventually make it's way out.  Garbage in means garbage out.  Why do you think Oscar is always a grouch?!  LOL!  

You are a powerful super computer and your body needs the right holes punched to create the output you desire.  Remember that...and remember that you're worth it.


#motivation, #eatwell, #livewell, #beachbody, #coach, #food, #brainfood, #computer, #programming, #punchcard, #read, #watch, #goals, #publix, #netflix, #bodies, #brains, #positive, #negative, #youareworthit 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme 7/21

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 7, 2017 
21 Day Fix Extreme 7/21
Yoga Fix Extreme
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

5am:  This girl was snoozing!  I did not get up and do the yoga.  I will push play when the girls take a nap today.

12oz water while talking my thyroid pill

8am:  Power surge and we lost power for about 2 minutes, then we heard a boom and it shook the house slightly.  My first thought was a transformer blowing...we found out later that it was a sonic boom from a "secret" unmanned military space shuttle landing at Kennedy...the many things you experience living in Florida.  Hurricanes, tropical storms, alligators, tourists, sonic booms...LOL
9am:  Chocolate Shakeology, Stok, Ice and 2 hard boiled eggs   2 Red

Went to church.  Had an excellent Bible study with PC as usual and I got to be with the big kiddos for second service!  I volunteer for the children's ministry in the nursery.  I am usually in the Pre-K room or the 2 year old room.  Today I was with the K to 5th graders.  Such a difference!! But I always enjoy serving with the kids no matter the age.  I have moments when I don't want to, but it's those times when I probably need to the most.  

12:30pm:  2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup steamed string beans 16 oz water  1 Red, 1 Green

1:30pm:  Girls are down for a nap and I turn and look at my living room...I think that sonic boom that we heard this morning landed in my living room!  How in the world do 2 little girls make such big messes in a matter of 15 minutes?!?!?!

Really feeling the want for junk food.  I was hard today to come home from church and not dig into the pretzels and hummus.  I didn't have a hard time in the beginning of the week like most people would just starting a new plan...it has been a developing pattern of mine to lose my resolve around week 3 or the end of week 2.  I've really got to focus!  Like Autumn says..."Don't stop when you're tired.  Stop when you're finished."  and I'm not finished until day 21!  The nice thing about eating every 2 hours is you get to eat every 2 hours, LOL!  I'm going to sweep my floor and do some yoga!

Yoga Fix Extreme done about 2:15ish...that is tough for a rest day, LOL!  I was shaking like crazy keep myself up on some of those moves...whew!

I napped from about 3 to 5pm...felt SO nice, then got the girl's their dinners.  

6pm:  Oatmeal w/ 1 tsp coconut oil, and 1 tsp cashew butter, 2 turkey burger patties seasoned with pink salt and garlic powder. I dipped those in mustard for some extra flavor.  1 Yellow, 2 tsp, 2 Red

After they were finished I asked my hubby his favorite question..."Do you want to wash dishes or children?"  LOL!  He chose the dishes, what a good man I have.

Dishes and children clean...now we are dealing with clogged drains  *UGH!*  Hair and sand...sand and hair...hair, sand, sand, hair...there's probably some glitter in there too.  Joys are rearing female children in Florida.  

7pm:  2 hard boiled eggs *I can eat eggs all day everyday!* 1 cup mixed veg (bell pepper, cucumber) 1 cup spinach.  Dressing was 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, dried basil and thyme.   1 Red, 2 Green, 1 tsp   I also made some Chai Iced Tea with 1 Stevia packet added.  16 oz water

Water intake = 40 oz  *well, that stunk*

Today was tough.  Tomorrow I'm back at work...joy...but at least I have my regular schedule of things.  Prepping some food and packing lunches for tomorrow which brings me to Power Strength Extreme!  That workout is part of the "Ultimate Kit", but since I have Beachbody's On Demand All Access pass I don't need to purchase extra kits..it's all right there!  I will do Power Strength tomorrow and next Monday I will go back to Plyo and use my 8's through the whole thing.  Tuesday and Thursday this week I will pick up 10 Minute Hard Core as well.  

"I'm never going to get any better if I don't push past my stopping point."  ~Shelon


#21dfx, #beachbody, #BOD, #church, #biblestudy, #sonicboom, #spaceshuttle, #kennedyspacecenter, #floridalife, #saltlife, #messyhouse, #pretzels, #hummus

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal 6/21

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 6, 2017 
21 Day Fix Extreme 6/21
Dirty 30 Extreme
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

7:30am:  Dirty 30 extreme...this workout in the regular fix and the extreme has always been a favorite.  My hardest time was with the pushup renegade rows, and the bonus move...which totally just kills me!  It makes me realize my core isn't as strong as I think it is.  So, it's a physical and mental challenge because I cannot complete it properly and it puts me in my place with where I am with my strength.  My girls watched me workout this morning, and they ask some of the funniest questions sometimes..."Mommy, why do workout people don't wear shirts." ..."Mommy, why are you making that face?"  LOL!  And they are asking me the whole time, "Mommy, when you're done can we play with your mat?"   as they continue to edge closer and closer to it.  LOL! Sneaky little cuties. 

I think it's important that our children see what it takes to be healthy.  They need to see that it is not easy.  It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get it done and keep it going.  Let them see me struggle, let them see me sweat, let them see me prep healthy meals and eat a clean balanced diet.  They are more likely to follow my actions than my words.

9:30am: 1 slice of organic grain bread toasted w/ avocado.  1 Yellow, 1 Blue
12 oz Stok Cold Brew Coffee...I like this so much better than hot black coffee.
That was a nice treat for me for meal 1. 

12pm:  2 eggs, spinach, bell pepper, mushrooms  1 Red, 1 Green
12 oz Chai Tea

2:15pm:  Blueberries, 2 hard boiled eggs  1 Purple, 1 Red
Blueberries has to be the single best use for that purple container...1 whole cup of blueberries!  Such a nice treat!

I got really tired around 1:30pm...like super, super sleepy.  I'm not sure if this is me reacting to not wanting to do my work around the house or if it's my meal plan or my thyroid or because I just sat down *I'm bad to nap on the weekends*...I ended up grabbing a couple winks before the girls went down at 2pm for their naps, then I grabbed some more Stok and took a HOT bath.  Felt so nice to shave...even though I really hate shaving...anyone else with me?!?!  I don't know why, it's just annoying to me.  Anyway, the girls have been playing well today in their fort.  Only a few mental melt downs, LOL!  They have had their dance parties today too...it's so cute to watch them dance...so innocent.  I will hold onto that as long as I can!    

5pm:  Chocolate Shakeology, Stok Cold Brew coffee, 1 cup spinach, ice  1 Red, 1 Green
Oatmeal w/ cinnamon, 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 small apple  1 Yellow, 1 Purple, 1 tsp

I've had a couple of moments today where I really wanted to grab some of the girl's pretzels or grab a box of crackers.  I made Tim a cheese burger for dinner...it smelled so good!  UGH!  I have a turkey burger patty that I'm gonna fix for my last protein, maybe that will curb that want.  Not sure what to have as my last green?...?...?...?  I still have a tsp and an orange left, I think that will be chopped walnuts and cashew butter.

Tomorrow is Yoga...ever since I originally did the 21 Day Fix last year, I only did all the Yoga Fixes during that very first round.  Actually, that first round of the 21 Day Fix was the only time I had ever done that program to the tee.  Ever since it has been something that I've skipped out on.  I will do it every once in a while, but I just don't do it most of the time.  

My last meal ended up being...

8:30pm: Turkey burger (just the patty seasoned with pink salt, pepper, and garlic powder, 1 cup steamed string beans, chopped walnuts, 1 tsp cashew butter.  I took the cashew butter and stirred it into the chopped walnuts, sprinkled some cinnamon on it and balled it up.  So it was a little cashew butter cinnamon walnut ball...not bad for a last minute how in the world do I get my containers in idea, LOL  1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Orange, 1 tsp

Tim and I watched a couple episodes of Person of Interest on Netflix, and I headed to bed.  We got a couple load of laundry and some dishes done...my sink still has dishes in it!  Looking forward to the day that Gemma and Anna can really help me with that, LOL.

Alarm set for 5am to get up and do yoga!

#21dfx, #beachbody, #foodjournal, #journal, #BOD, #laundry, #dishes, #sleepy, #craving, #naps, #forts, #gemfromgod, #annabanana


Saturday, May 6, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 5, 2017 
21 Day Fix Extreme 5/21
Cardio Fix Extreme
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

5am:  Cardio fix extreme, it wasn’t difficult to wake up like I thought it would be after getting to bed after 11pm last night.  The problem was when I tried to move my legs!  My hamstrings HATE me right now.  They are super tight and sore.  It hurts to sit on the toilet…yea, it’s that bad.  It’s been a while since I was THIS sore.  Even after doing that Titan Mud Run in April didn’t leave me this sore.   This morning’s workout was more cardio…fun, fun!  I was sweating like crazy.  I was slow, and I modified a couple of moves for 1 of the 2 times doing them.  When I didn’t modify I was turtle slow, but hey…I still did it! 

Drank 25 oz water during workout and after while taking my thyroid pill. 

8am:  2 hard boiled eggs, 10 oz black coffee  1 Red

Feeling my legs so much I can’t walk normal…ugh!  My calves had added themselves to the sore party, particularly my left one which makes me go, “Hmmmm?  I wonder why that side is so sore?” When I workout and have certain parts of my body that are more sore than others I will pay attention to my form on the next go around of those exercises making sure I’m giving every muscle the proper attention, and trying to keep my left side as strong as my right.  I don’t want to be lopsided ya know? LOL!

10:15am:  1 cup mixed veggies (bell pepper, cucumber, carrots) 8 oz peachy green tea. 1 Green 

12:00pm:  Chicken breast, 1 cup steamed veggies (zucchini & string beans), finished my ACV water cocktail. 1 Red, 1 Green

Feeling pretty good energy wise, legs are sore as all get out.  Still angry from the happenings of yesterday…my tummy isn’t feeling the greatest.  That might have something to do with it…

Filled up another 25 oz water…that will make 75 when I’m finished with that…BOOM!
I actually have a ton of energy right now…I have no idea where that came from.  Nothing like dancing at your desk on a Friday…I need to put on some Latin music for Cinco De Mayo!  

2pm: Chicken breast, oatmeal w/ cinnamon, 1 tsp coconut oil, and 1 tsp cashew butter 1 Red, 1 Yellow, 2 tsp

4:30pm: Chocolate Shakeology w/ ice coffee  1 Red

7pm:  Salmon with garlic, lemon, and dill, 1 cup roasted broccoli  1 Red, 1 Green

9pm: 1 hard boiled egg, 1/2 Chicken breast  drank 12 oz water  1 Red

Total water intake = 87 oz

Went to bed at 9:30pm.  The only 4/5 hours sleep from yesterday caught up with me.  ZZZzzz!

Friday, May 5, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 4, 2017 
21 Day Fix Extreme 4/21
Lower Fix Extreme
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

5am:  Lower fix extreme…I hated it!  It is a mix of regular leg work, like squats and lunges, mixed with plyo leg work.  It was so hard for me to get through, but I did it.  Some of my hops were very tiny though, LOL.  Extra small baby bunny hops.

Drank 25 oz water during workout and after while taking thyroid pill. 
Filled up another 25 oz with apple cider vinegar added.

8am:  2 hardboiled eggs, 10 oz coffee w/ ½ tsp coconut oil added.  Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid which my body will burn as energy…really needing all I can get right now.  1 Red, ½ tsp

12:00pm:  2 hardboiled eggs 1 Red
Finished my 25 oz ACV cocktail and drank another 20 oz bottle of water while I was out to lunch with Tim…he ate pizza and I drank water  #Igotgoals

2pm:  1 cup Spinach, 1 cups mixed veg (cucumber, carrots, bell pepper) w/ Balsamic Vinegar, baked chicken breast, oatmeal w/ ½ tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp cashew butter, and cinnamon  2 Green, 1 Red, 1 ½ tsp, 1 Yellow

4pm:  2 hard boiled eggs  1 Red

4:30pm:  Shakeology w/ ice coffee  1 Red

6pm:  Salmon filet w/ 1 clove garlic grated on top while baking at 400 for 20 minutes, then I added fresh dill and lemon zest…so good, one of my favorite ways to have salmon. 1 cup steamed veggies (string beans & zucchini)  1 Red, 1 Green

Went to the gym down the street as a guest of a friend of mine from church.  Ate 1 tsp almond butter running out the door to go with her at 8:45pm

Did 4.6 miles on treadmill…combination of running and fast walking.  Speeds I used were 3.5 mph to 5 mph.  Then we did 3 sets of leg raises with a hold at the bottom, and some tricep work.  She did more than I did.  She also went on to do a couple machines after that. And let me tell you something about this girl...she has goals too...she was challenged to do 4 miles on the treadmill without stopping...the longest she had ever done without stopping was 3 miles...

AND SHE DID IT!  4 miles...not stopping!  Heather, you rock!  I am so proud of what you accomplished last night.  Keep at it girl, it's so worth it!  XOXO

Drank another 25 oz water during THAT workout.

Total water intake = 95 oz

Today held some unseen stresses that you can ask me about personally if you know me, but I kept to my plan, AND did another workout.  

Before the $%!* hit the fan today I wrote myself a note.  I have to be constantly reminded of what I'm doing or I will let myself get off track because of whatever external junk is happening in my life.  This is what my note said...

As things unfolded yesterday I was happy to have that staring me down.  This wasn’t something from some person I didn’t know.  Those were my own words, my own decision, my own desires…I will not give up and I will not use food for comfort.  Very simple, and very difficult.  That note help my focus be on my goals for this challenge, not my immediate situation that would only last for a day.  While it held many uncomfortable moments of me wanting to give in and eat the pizza, or eat the coco roasted almonds in the fridge I didn’t. 

Thank the Lord for the ability to pray to him directly, and the peace that comes from knowing Him and His Word.  He is my ultimate comforter, no one else, and nothing else should take His place.   

#21dfx, #beachbody, #meals, #journal, #foodjournal, #containers, #life, #challengegroups, #lifestyle, #fit, #healthy, #thinkingclearly, #lifechanging, #lovebeingacoach, #foodisfuel, #jesusiscomfort

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 3, 2017 
21 Day Fix Extreme 3/21
Pilates Fix Extreme
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

5am:  Pilates fix extreme with a resistance band.  That little red band makes that workout so much more difficult.  Not only the extra resistance, but keeping the band in position when I change positions. 

Drank 12 oz water during workout (not a cardio workout so I just take a couple drinks before I start and when I finish…not to mention that tube…once you’re in it, you don’t get out unless you want more hassle) and after while taking thyroid pill. 

Didn’t feel too bad when I woke this morning, but on the way to work it hit me.  Very tired, but I know this is just my body adjusting to getting its energy source from somewhere different.  Not eating as many carbs is making my body use fat as energy.  It takes a lot to get your body to consume it’s self…it can be very selfish…I wonder where it gets that from?

8am:  2 hardboiled eggs 1 Red
Drank 10 oz coffee w/ 1 tsp honey

10am: Brussle Sprouts pan steamed in vegetable broth with 3 small garlic cloves grated in.  1 Green *next time I need to add more garlic*

Feeling much better after coffee.  Still drinking 25 oz of water with apple cider vinegar added. 

12:30pm:  Turkey Taco Skillet (recipe link), 4 romaine heart leaves, oatmeal w/ 1 tsp coconut oil, cinnamon, blueberries, and raspberries 1 Red, 2 Green, 2 Yellow, 1 Purple, 1 tsp.
This is the most I’ve eat in one meal since Sunday night…I can definitely feel it.  Drank the apple cider vinegar water and I’m working on the 2nd 25 oz bottle

1:30pm:  Feeling sleepy from all the food!!!  I hate feeling like this in the afternoon, and for some stinking reason I have the song Henry the 8th stuck in my head!  #feelingannoyed

2:30pm: 2 pickled eggs 1 Red

OH MAN! Were those good.  It’s been over a year since I have eaten any.  I have no idea of the sugar content since my Mother made them.  She doesn’t measure things so, that is what it is.  Still kinda sleepy.  Drinking 10 oz coffee for an afternoon pick me up.  I will drink my shake on the way home today. 

That leaves me with…a purple, blue, orange, and a teaspoon…hmmm I see an apple with goat cheese, sunflower seeds, and almond butter in my future.

6pm:  I actually didn’t have any goat cheese.  I was reminded that dairy can cause some issues, and when you look at the food list for the blue container the creator on the program, Autumn, avoids dairy when she’s doing the CC plan so, I had…

An apple w/ cinnamon, 1 tsp almond butter, 10 pecan halves, and chopped walnuts 1 Purple, 1 tsp, 1 Blue, 1 Orange

Total water intake = 62 oz

This was a nice treat for the evening and I was not hungry for the rest of the night at all!  You might not believe it, but it's true.  

My fellow coach, Nancy and I were planning our meals over the weekend at Panera with the Jazzercise group.  When they started asking us about the program and how the food goes they seemed to be in disbelief a bit.  You see, when you follow the portion fix containers, that means eating a balanced diet of good clean foods in the proper portions, you drink the Shakeology, which gives you some AMAZING superfoods, vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics, phytonutrients, protein…this shake is DENSE nutrition at its best!  You join the challenge group, we have a fun APP we do this through called “My Challenge Tracker”...it will only let you join if you’re invited by a Beachbody coach…our challengers are special, not just anyone can get in on this.  It keeps track of your weights, measurements, pics, your shakes, your workouts…it’s all right there for you to see.  We do daily posts that can focus on a variety of topics, from recipes, to workout form, to motivation, to asking some tough questions that make you think about why you are doing this.  It changes you inside and out.  You reset the way you think about food and exercise and why you do it.  It is amazing and I am so glad I said yes over a year ago.  Working on year 2!!  

#21dfx, #beachbody, #meals, #journal, #foodjournal, #pickledeggs, #southerngirl, #containers, #chicken, #life, #challengegroups, #lifestyle, #fit, #healthy, #thinkingclearly, #lifechanging, #lovebeingacoach

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal

What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day

CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 2, 2017
21 Day Fix Extreme 2/21

Upper Fix Extreme

CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

5am:  Upper fix, man was it hard to get out of bed this morning!  It’s only day 2!!!  Muscles in my legs and back were pretty tight during warm up.  Took getting through the first round for me to feel like I was warm or awake enough to push myself.  Used 8’s and 5’s.  Used red resistance band for all except the 2nd round of the rear delt flys.  Major burn felt in all the muscles during workout.  Did some starting and stopping during pushups, rear delts, isolated bicep curls because of the position our legs are in during the move…they were on fire, and tricep dips with leg raised.  So, so happy pushups were at the beginning of this workout. 

It’s amazing how different your body feels during a workout by what you are feeding it.  Just one day back on eating pure clean foods, and I feel SO much better.   

Drank 30 oz of water during workout and after while taking my thyroid pill.

Filled up my water bottle with another 30 this time with apple cider vinegar added…I might get to a gallon of water today!  Whoop, whoop!

8am:  baked chicken breast 1 Red
Drank 10 oz black coffee

10:30am:  baked chicken breast 1 Red
Also drinking 10oz of Earl Grey tea…this has to be my favorite teas I drink.  Must be the English side coming out of me.

I feel ok energy wise this morning verses yesterday.  When I do any big movements I feel my muscles are tired, but I feel I can still do some heavy work if I needed to…kinda nice having a desk job about now though.  The hungry feeling is different for me when I’m feeding my body good clean nutrition.  I don’t know how to explain it…it’s almost urgent, but it can be made to wait.  Definitely a different feeling from a “craving”.  

12:00pm:  2 hardboiled eggs, romaine, spinach, string beans, cucumbers, balsamic vinegar  1 Red, 2 Green

Drank 10 oz “Peachy Green” tea from Tazo…I drank my last Earl Grey this morning…that makes me so sad.  I have some Earl Grey from Tazo, but it is so bitter…I don’t like it when I’m not adding sweetener to it...must be how Tazo processes theirs verses others.

Felt pretty tired between my 10am meal until lunch, but I started talking with the girls here in the office and woke back up again.  I have some meal prepping to do when we get home from Mother’s tonight, but I need to make sure I get a good night’s rest.

2:15pm:  Steel cuts oats with 1 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp cashew butter, and cinnamon 1 Yellow, 2 tsp   **This is such a treat right now!!  Yummy!**

3:40pm:  Half way through my 3rd fill up of my 30 oz bottle.  Holy bathroom Batman!

Ate dinner at Mother’s tonight…she made pancakes! And waffles!!!  *insert sobs here*
One of my favorites…*more sobbing*

Anyway…I had 2 protein left and 1 veggie so…

5:30pm:  2 eggs scrambled w/ 1 tsp olive oil, and veggies (string beans and orange bell pepper), a baked chicken breast, and my Shakeology just mixed with ice and water.  2 Red, 1 Green , 1 tsp

Prepped Turkey Taco meat when I got home…recipe link here, more chicken…no wonder my husband gets tired chicken, LOL, and some eggs.  

Mother make pickled eggs for Easter and she gave me 2 last night…I will eat them tomorrow.  Probably more sugar than I want, but I DON’T CARE!  It’s pickled eggs…I could eat a whole dozen of those by myself! 

Went to bed later than I wanted because of meal prep and because I started watching some You Tube videos…I blame my sister for that one…you know what ones I’m talking about sissy, LOL, they are like potato chips to me…I can’t watch just one!
Bed time was 11pm.

Total water intake = 90 oz…didn’t make it to the gallon, but hey, 90 is great!  Looking forward to tomorrow being a regular extreme meal plan and not the cc plan…I miss my fruit.

#21dfx, #beachbody, #meals, #journal, #foodjournal, #pickledeggs, #southerngirl, #turkeytacomeat, #containers, #chicken, #life, #drpimplepopper, #youtube 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

21 Day Fix Extreme Journal

Daily Journal during the 21 Day Fix Extreme
What I eat, what I drink, how I feel, and whatever else I want to say!

Green = Veg
Red = Protein
Yellow = Carbs
Purple = Fruit
Blue = Healthy Fats
Orange = Seeds & Dressings
Tsp = Oils and Nut Butters

1200-1499 Calories a day
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp
Extreme Day: 3 Green, 4 Red, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 1 Blue, 1 Orange, 2 tsp

Water intake goal = 68oz

May 1, 2017  
21 Day Fix Extreme 1/21  
Plyo Fix Extreme
CC Day: 3 Green, 6 Red, 1 Yellow, 3 tsp

5am:  Plyo Fix, used 5 lb weights on all moves except the calf jumps, used 8's on those.

 25 ounces of water during workout, took Thyroid pill after workout

8am: Chicken breast, baked and seasoned with pink salt, pepper, garlic powder 1 Red

Feeling pretty tired this morning.  Did some work from home last night until 11pm.  Anna was having trouble sleeping after watching the movie Tangled.  She was really upset with the bad “man” who “took the baby and cut the baby’s blonde hair.”  Might have something to do with her having blonde hair…IDK.  I gave up getting her to sleep in her own bed at midnight.  She rested well sleeping with me and Tim...finally...Zzzzzzzz

Drank 10oz of Earl Grey tea for some caffeine.

9:30pm:  Ate my second baked chicken breast, didn’t realize it wasn’t quite 10am yet when I started heating it up.  Work is crazy right now. 1 Red

Still pretty tired, drank 8oz black coffee to boost me up…hopefully.  Legs are a little like Jell-O from the Plyo workout this morning.

10am:  Energy level is getting better.  Ate 1 tsp coconut oil straight 1 tsp

1:30pm:  Baked Cod with veggies*** (carrots, green beans, zucchini) all baked together seasoned with pink salt, pepper, and garlic powder at 400 for 20 minutes wrapped in parchment paper***  Made 2 servings of this meal.  Tim ate one last night for dinner. 1 Red  1 Green

Drank 10oz water with lunch

2:30pm: Drank 10oz water

3:30PM: Drank Shakeology with hot coffee.  Ate some cucumber, bell peppers  1 Red 2 Green

Feeling pretty good right now. 

4:30pm:  Slice of organic grain bread w/ 2 tsp cashew butter  1 Yellow 2 tsp

7:30pm: 2 hardboiled eggs, baked chicken breast  2 Red

Went to bed at 9:30 with a ton of energy.  It was hard to fall asleep.  I don’t think I went to sleep till after 10. 

Drank another 25 ounces of water with lemon from the time I got home till about 8:30.  

Total water intake = 70 oz

I prepped steel cuts oats last night and MAN do those things make a mess.  I used the biggest pot I have and they still boiled over!!  Gee Wiz.  Anna had a much better night last night.  

#21dfx, #beachbody, #journal, #momlife, #food, #cleaneating, #workout, #workoutprogram, #21dayfix, #21dayfixextreme, #sweat, #handweights, #burn, #muscles, #makingsomechanges

***This journal is not intended to be a meal plan for you.  The 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan is based on your weight, and your activity level, not mine. Everyone is different and needs different caloric intakes during a day.***

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