Monday, April 27, 2020

I AM Aligned


My thoughts, words, and actions reflect my truth.

Once upon a time, a long time ago I actually got into playing golf.  Weird right?  Well, for me it was, back then anyway.  I always thought golf was something retired people do and never imagined it would be something I would actually enjoy, but I did.  

Learning to tee off was interesting.  Insert all the golf bloopers here!

You see, your body has to follow a certain flow and alignment in order for you to even make contact with the ball, let alone put it somewhere playable.  I must have swung and missed 300 hundred times in all before I finally got my alignment memorized.  I had to teach my body the muscle memory in order for me to be able to hit the ball.  One of my biggest issues?  I would lift my head/chin.  When you swing a golf club you have to keep your head down, chin tucked from the start of your swing to the follow through.  There is no in between, you lift up, you miss the ball.  It took hundreds of swings in order for me to feel comfortable, then there was an issue with my hips that I didn't know about.  My hips are our of alignment, they are twisted a bit, and because of that I would slice the ball every time I made contact if I lined up with my feet perfectly parallel, like you see everyone else doing.  Because my hips were off I needed to learn to open my front foot a bit so that when I swung I would get more of a straight drive.  Even then I'd miss the ball and feel silly in front of players who'd played for years, but I was learning.   

I think it's the same when it comes to our thoughts, words, and actions.  At first we have a thought, in my case, "I want to play golf."  Then we let our thoughts become words and next we are acting on them.  Out to the driving range I went!  For me, I needed to figure out my truth.  I needed to learn my tendencies to make mistakes, me pulling my head up. I needed to learn I had something out of my immediate control that I had to adjust for, my hips. Then I had to take those truths and align my body properly in order for me to hit the ball.  And remember, even knowing those truths I would still miss.  

Being aligned is a learning process.  Learning our truths take time.  Don't fret because you miss the ball.  Keep aligning yourself and trying again. Practice, practice, practice.   


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I AM Aligned

I AM Aligned My thoughts, words, and actions reflect my truth. Once upon a time, a long time ago I actually got into playing go...