Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I AM Adaptable


I accept changes and can adjust to any situation.

Accepting change...something that some people love and other absolutely hate.  Then, there's the group that's all about it until they realize how much hard work it's going to be.

I tend to fall into that last category, but there have been times when I've absolutely hated it.  

Since this journal has sprung from a place of taking care of myself physically by working out daily and doing my best to eat healthy, let's look at that.  

It's January 1st, you've just committed to following a diet, and a workout plan until you lose that 20 lbs of unwanted weight...ever been there?  I certainly have!!!!  

Something I've noticed that I do...a lot..is not look at the big picture.  I don't stop and look at what I'm gonna have to change or adapt to reach that goal I'm picturing in my head.  Not to mention how much of that work and change is gonna have to stay if I want to maintain that picture.  Me not having a firm grasp of my motives for making these changes is why I believe I have tried and failed many times...although...I have not truly failed because I haven't quit trying.  I just have many missed attempts or as Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Lord, I hope it doesn't take 10,000 tries for me to finally get it...Amen.

I've had to adapt my way of thinking, my way of eating, my schedule, the things I allow myself to read or watch, the time I spend reading or watching something...all of these things in my life needed to change.  Some are still in process...

So after losing over 50 lbs this last attempt at being fit and healthy and gaining 30 of that back...yes...30...I have some decisions and changes to make yet again. 

Yes I can follow an intense diet and workout routine and get results and that's fantastic, but I need these changes to come naturally for me.  I don't want to constantly yo-yo between programs and go on and off of following my meal plans.  I want to adapt my way of thinking, and my actions so the results happen naturally.  I hope that makes sense.  I want to train myself to reach for something nutritious before I reach for something less than.  I want to, want healthy food over junk food.  I want to, want to move my body with purpose daily.  So how do I adapt and get to that point?

First things first...my head.  I got my motives back in check and started focusing on what really matters to me about living a healthy and fit lifestyle.  I accepted that my body is damaged...meaning my pelvic floor.  My girly parts are not where they used to be and have been causing me issues and pain.  I've known for a while that I need to do something, and I finally accepted it and started adapting my routine because of it.  Back in November I asked myself, "What would it look like if I pushed play on a workout everyday for 365 days?"  Notice I didn't say what would my abs look like or what would my booty look like, no...I said, "It" as in my life as a whole.  What would making that change look like in my life 365 days later?  When I find out the answer I'll let you know...today is currently 111 of 365...NO...366, it's a leap year!  

So for me this past January 1st was a focus on healthy living in a more gentle way.  I didn't have some intense plan that included a bunch of changes for me to adapt my life to.  All I said was I was going to be intentional about moving my body daily, and I said I was going to do low impact and focus on the strengthening my core and pelvic floor muscles.  That's it.  

Change doesn't always have to happen quickly, and for the most part, at least for me, when change happens slowly I adapt better to it and it sticks around longer. Right now we're all adapting to a new "normal" that's very difficult for some of us. So maybe step back, take a deep breath, and focus on what really matters to you and your family. Then adapt one thing at a time and see what happens. 


#workout #fitmom #girlmom #wife #sister #daughter #fitness #encouragement #faith #jesus #cancersurvivor #barreblend #beachbody #shakeology #fitkids #healthy #fitlife #affirmations #love #strength #wisdom #laugh #learning #process #smallsteps #progressnotperfection


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